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Beautiful scenario! Using for a school project :)


Hello, thank you for making such great asset! I used your asset for level designing in my game production, here is the link

I just tried this game and I have to say Wow! I love the controls in your game and I would love to play it if it ever was published as a full game!

Hi, I recently published my game Mikene's Aspects, which uses you asset, check it out.

/this is the best tileset @s opinion

This is Awesome -Peedeewee123

Great asset

Hola, yo he hecho un juego de peleas gracias a tus assets, los he utilizado en mi juego, puedes checarlo si gustas este

This asset is beautiful!

Hi, I recently published my game Light Keeper 2, which uses you asset, check it out.


Thank you for creating an amazing tilemap! I had a blast working with it! Here is my Game Jam Project That I worked on. Check it out if you have a chance and have a nice day :)

Love it, thanks man

Hey Guys here is my Video game i ve created by using this asset and its ben super perfect awsome 2d platformer story game :) based on real Gladiator SPARTACUS hope you try, have fun and give nice comments 

thank you so much for this great asset dear creator btw 👍

Hi, I recently finished a project that uses these assets, check out the project if you're interested.

Great work!  I credited your art in my game - free demo and full game here: Dragon Gem Catcher by CristopherJG ( and DGC Lite by CristopherJG ( 

Thank you!


Hello, use these assets for a free game.

You can play it in this link:

or see the video in this other link:

Thank you very much for your great assets =)

i am so confuzed when we slice it is it supposed to create 400 somthing tiles cause when i slice it by cell size 16x16 thats what happens ...  pls help i really like th look of it but am so confuzed

im talking about the rock one

actually now that i tryed the ONLy one that slices evenly for me is your generic

Might be just me, but I'm finding this tileset hard to work with, it's quite complex!

Any tips for getting the rolling hills background tiles to fit together and looking good?

Deleted 4 years ago


can I use these assets for a commercial game?


Quick question, what tiles are used to fill in the area underneath the ground(blank area under the grass)?



So Like this? 

I fix that, now download and check. Sorry for a problem.

Amazing! I’m going to study them closely as a perfect example of pixel art drawing!

Thank you very much ... I will use it in the game I will ...

I put this in unity, set it at 16x16 and 16 ppu, and some tiles catch the border from the tile next to it. Most of the tiles don't fit together and have a small gap in between.

Everything is ok with tiles, you have to do something wrong. I just checked in Unity and everything is fine.

Deleted 5 years ago

We have to do something wrong to make it work properly? That doesn't really make sense.

If you mapped sprites properly and created tiles out of them - i had the same problem. Just set the resolution to specific one (i.e. 640x360 for 16:9 not only by aspect ratio) and it will display properly.

It's due to scaling if you have not locked your preview resolution.

Oh! Turn of filtering (set it to point)

Good work. Can I use this work for my game?
(1 edit)

yes, you can use personally and commercially.

(1 edit)

I bought this bundle  szadi art your assets are amazing i love it and I will use it in my game and credit you.

can we use this in commercial or

Yes, commercial and personal use.

This tileset is great, and I intend to use it in my free platformer game. In short, I'm using Godot GE and game will be published under MIT license. Do you have some kind of license (I didn't see it here or in "about.txt") for these? :)