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(1 edit)

Hi there @SzadiArt ! I am completely new to all of this & have a question. Are the alternative tiles used for collision or what ?

Hi. The pack is really nice. But I dont find the grass and the green lush tree in this pack even though the screenshots shows these.

The description includes: Asset not included original files of SSW SET1 (trees, grounds and other).

Thanks. I already bought the SSW SET1. :)

Deleted 330 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

need more platformer village pack pls,  especially houses, they are really great!!!

I bought your pack. Certainly amazing quality. But I don't understand why some parts of the map are transparent and others aren't. For example, the roofs on the left of the interior tilemap, why is there color around them? Am I missing some point there?

I'm beginning to realize that you never made the tiles to be used with a visible outside environment around the houses. That declares why the outsides are not transparent.

I also think your assets are much more usable when used as 16x16 tiles. That depends on the engine you use of course (I write my own), but the combinations are far more superior if you do this.


Waoh, amazing quality here ! There are plenty of assets to make a game, with indoor and outdoor elements :) 

Big fan of houses orientation !


Hey man. Just bought this amazing package. I already own some others made by you and i have to say your layouts are amazingly great! Even tho the game im working on is a longtime project and will take a lot more time, ill promise you to be mentioned in the credits!


This is gorgeous!  I can see you put a lot of work in it. Congratulations and thanks for providing such good assets for such affordable prices!


As you wrote, I really put a lot of work into it, it will be more (qualitatively the same or even better). Regards.