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By the way, thanks for the wonderful assets. Its really great. I am working on a game project and I am planning to use all your assets. I already have bought 4 of your asset pack from side scroll, including your player pack but unfortunately, I just found out that, there is no animation for the player to go up and down the slanting stairs. I see that you have one for ladder climbing. But inside a tavern or a official building, using the ladder to up and down the stairs seems very unrealistic. Do you plan to have an animation for going up and down the slanting stairs animation? And do you plan to have a new player who is also the same size of the other charcters like the bartender, blacksmith and such?

How do I import these on Unity? Not sure what sizes should I use on the Sprite editor

I've found the size to be 64x40px

What is the exact size of this asset? I have a dilemma of how it would look compared to the NPCs in the villages

Nice job as always! :)