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(1 edit)

Hey, awesome tile map! 

I'm not sure if you're able to help, but I'm having A LOT of trouble getting the edges of walls to line up with 32 x 32 grid size

Are the tiles ordered in an specific way in where they should be used? 

I'm able to eventually get there, but I feel like I'm using the wrong walls for the wrong purpose or something, or maybe I don't have enough layers to make up all four sides of a building?

Are the walls you place in the screenshots all on different layers?

does every tile have its own png or is it exactly like the demo ?

Does the pack include cities or would that be a separate order?

Do you place orders? For example, buildings or other things?

Deleted 136 days ago
Deleted 136 days ago

Bought it recently for use on my game. Thank you very much for this high-quality tile pack!


Hi  Szadi art, are you planning to do part 3  from this world?


Hello, I bought your game development kit. After downloading the set, I did not find any static trees with or without leaves, there was no grass and bushes, as well as no stones and pits at all, you can give these resources away since I paid for them and

expected to receive them. If anything, I have already downloaded the set several times at different times, so the lack of resources is most likely a mistake on your part.


I have the same question - the screenshots show images that are not actually included in the package (no bushes, no rocks, no trees without leaves, etc.)

Download PALands Set1, not PALands Demo

There are no files 'terrain_props_1.png' and 'terrain_props_2.png' for 32x32 in PALands Set1


Thanks for the information / Fixed. Regards.


For which software are these tilesets build? This is not for RPGMakerMZ/MV, right? So which software would you recommend?


Will these assets work with Pixel Game Maker MV?


Amazing work as always! It says SET1.. how many sets do you plan to do, and do you have an ETA? Thanks!


Beautiful! Great atmosphere and style.


pixel Fallout =))


Do you made RPGMAKER MV/MZ Version tilesets?

(1 edit)

Rpg Maker is limited of the size tilemap, only scaling from the original size would give some good effect (but RPGMaker it limits the size of the tilemap). Regards.
